We are the snowmobiling destination that is right in your own back yard. District 9 close to all major centers, and boasts some of the best trails in the province!
Nicely situated between Lake Huron & Georgian Bay, District 9 is home to record breaking lake affect snowfalls, over 2900km of beautifully groomed trail, and lots of snowmobile friendly places to eat, sleep and fuel up. Combine all of that with the diversity of scenery - from the Niagara escarpment, to rolling farmland, to majestic bush trails - and you will definitely want to make District 9 part of your riding experience!
We are a short drive from all of the major centers (London, Sarnia, Hamilton, K/W, Guelph & Toronto) without the hassle of a major highway. It's easy to come for the day, and once you do we know you will return for longer.

Great snow is closer than you think - come to District 9 this season and "Ride More...Drive Less".